Massage Services
in Ajmer
We offer Body Massage Services by Female in Ajmer
Whats App BookingsMassage Parlour in Ajmer
Best Massage Services in Ajmer Rajasthan
Bookings for Body Massage : Call : +91 6367775228
We offer Body Massage Services by Female in Ajmer
Whats App BookingsLet us introduce Royal Spa and Massage Ajmer Rajasthan.
Royal Spa and Massage is a popular massage parlour in ajmer offering all types of massage parlours.
We are baranch of Delight Spa Ajmer, Rajasthan
As, we have a stupendous 10 years of track record of relaxation and refreshment brought at the door of the clients, we have been able to build a huge client base in many cities of India. As a result of the consistency and deliverance, we have been able to provide all types of massage services to both male and female.
We run specific kneading and relaxation session at our spa, the location that is very easy to reach. We bring your services in all directions, never influenced or affected by the miles we have to cover to provide you the relaxation.
To stay healthy, you will have to keep diseases and turmoil out of your life. At Royal Spa and Massage Ajmer, we perform various techniques and specifications to make the massage session relaxing and fruitful.
Body Massage, Ayurvedic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Body to Body Massage, Thai Massage, Four Hand Massage, Sandwich Massage, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone Massage.
Monday To Friday : 10.00 AM to 10.00 PM
Saturday & Sunday : 10.00 AM to 10.00 PM
Holidays & Festivals : Open
Only Spa in Ajmer offering all types of premium massage services including Body to Body Massage, Thai Massage, Sandwich Massage etc.